Wednesday, 29 August 2018 11:30   |   Read 4836 times

Aussie Entrepreneur Brian Smith quit being an accountant the day he graduated, instead moving to California for inspiration to launch his own empire. But it wasn't until he realised his fellow Aussie surfers were wearing something that he'd never seen on American feet that inspiration hit...

"All of the cool retail trends were coming out of California so I decided to go there and find the “next big thing” to bring back to Australia.", Brian said.

"After three months in California, I still hadn’t found my passion and one of my surfing buddies had arrived with the latest copy of Surfer magazine. Inside was an advertisement for sheepskin boots and I instantly felt goosebumps all over my body. I knew that almost every other Australian owned some sort of sheepskin footwear and there was NONE in America."

The rest of this inspirational article, that details the start of UGG and its rise to become an international household name, can be read on the Forbes website.

Why not look at having Brian talk about marketing or motivation to your organisation?

Brian Smith

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Brian Smith is a passionate innovator and is known as a “serial entrepreneur.”

Brian is best known as the Founder of the UGG Australia Brand, a business that he started with $500 of “borrowed capital.” As CEO for 17 years, he built the brand form a localized surf item into a national comfort casual footwear brand with outreach to Japan, England and parts of Europe.

Growing too large for him to finance, he sold the business to publicly traded Deckers Outdoor Corporation, who have grown the brand to exceed one billion dollars in worldwide revenues for the past six years.

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